The catalogue you can find here is exclusive of this web and avariable only for registred used. General catalogue is avariable at www.Lastsword.com .
Stretch Goals are only avariable for registred used in this web. To get them you must take items of each Stretch Goals’s campaign.
Delivery date of all products of this web is deppending of campaign shipping date. If you take items of several campaigns in a order, you must wait until the last campaign date.
The inmediate delivery of general items catalogue are only avariable for ordes placed at www.Lastsword.com .
Are you a backer?
Any kickstarter backer of LastSword Miniatures’s kickstarter campaigns has an user’s acount created with their Kickstarter contribution added as funds.
If you are not…
Create a new account if you have never supported to us on Kickstarter. Your details will be send to your email address.
Recovery your Password
Check our Faqs section: Faqs .
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